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Are Christians Sinner's Saved by Grace or are they just Saints?

 Identity Vs Condition is the real question

 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!


Has anyone heard of the saying "I'm a sinner saved by grace" what if I tell you that this saying is wrong and not in line with the scriptures?

The reason why it's wrong is because of how the term Saint is used and its interpretation of what a Saint is. Truth be told the church knows what a sinner is so I don't need to go in-depth on what a sinner is but because I'm talking about these two identities I'm gonna talk about what a sinner is to provide a clearer picture so we can understand it's differences from a Saint. So without further ado let's head to our first topic "What is a Sinner."

What is a Sinner?

The term Sinner in the bible refers to someone who lives wicked, unjust, evil, or unrighteous, a Heathen.

What makes a Sinner a Sinner?

The sinner is an identity given to those who haven't provided their life to Jesus Christ(unbeliever). The dictionary's definition says a person who sins but I'm not gonna use the dictionaries term because everyone sins even Christians.  A sinner is not only a person who hasn't given their life to Jesus Christ but is also a person who makes a lifestyle out of sin. For example, a Homosexual is a person that practices homosexuality but Homosexuality is the sin. To break it down even more homosexuality is the sin, and a homosexual is the sinner. A sinner isn't condemned because of their sin, a sinner is condemned because they refuse to give their life to Jesus Christ and because they refuse to believe in return they are condemned of their sin because they are still held accountable for their sins. (John 3:18-21)

What is a Saint?

Biblically, A saint is a person who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and continues to follow and obey his teachings. A Saint is declared righteous, Just, Holy, Faithful, and Saved using Faith in Christ Jesus.

What makes a Saint A Saint?

A Saint is an identity given to a person who has given their life to Jesus Christ and placed their faith in him, Paul uses the word saint to address some of the churches in the New Testament in the KJV and NKJV versions of the Bible (ex: 1 Cor 1:2, Romans 1:7). I'm not gonna use the dictionary's definition because the definition for it in the dictionary is a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous and typically regarded as being in heaven after death. This is biblically inaccurate because it represents holiness separate from faith in Christ Jesus, it goes off of a person's own good behavior. Yes, faith and works are both equally important because not only do you have to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior to be made righteous(holy) but you also must live your life as Jesus did, and the only way for a person to do that is by the help of the Holy Spirt.



Addressing The Issue

Now that we know what a Saint and a Sinner are, we can finally work on addressing the issue of "I'm just a sinner saved by grace." This statement has been polluting the minds of the church and giving people a religious mindset because it's not biblically accurate. The first thing we need to do is ask questions before we find the answers, so I'm gonna put down some questions we need to consider.


Question 1: Isn't a sinner a person who hasn't given their life to Jesus Christ?

Question 2: If I'm a sinner saved by grace where does the saint part come in?

Question 3: If I am a saint then why would I be a sinner also

Question 4: Didn't Jesus give me a new Identity when I gave my life to him


There are more questions than this but these are some of the base questions that need to be asked. 

When you gave your life to Jesus Christ, he changed your identity, he changed your status with him, he changed your residence of occupation when you die. Here are some scriptures that refer to your identity 

You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, so that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9)

 For you are all children of the light and of the day; we don’t belong to darkness and night. (1 Thessalonians 5:5)

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

You see how these scriptures deal with your new identity in Christ before we gave our life to Jesus Christ we had a different identity a identity centered around wickedness and evil, That was our identity because we refused to believe in God's son and turn from our wicked ways. our Identity consisted of this. (Unrighteous, Wicked, Unjust, Heathen, unbeliever, unsaved, and sinner).

Identity Vs Condition

So now that we understand the importance of Identity, we also have to understand the importance of the Condition. The condition of mankind is that all people both believers and unbelievers are sinful because of their sinful nature. And the only way to remove the condition of the sinful nature is to pass away and be with the Lord(Of course when it's your appointed time to do so). Our sinful nature and its desires are attached to our flesh, and its the very entity that comes against the righteous desires that God gives us because of our sinful nature it is the cause of our sinful behaviors or habits, and it's not gonna let up, that's why it's important to submit to God's Spirit to not satisfy its desires. (Gal 5:16-18)

Do you see the difference between the two for both Identity and Condition? The sinner is an Identity for those who haven't given their life to Jesus Christ, Condition is the state of being that mankind is in because of their sinful nature. This is why the saying "I'm a Sinner saved by grace" is unbiblical and makes no sense, yeah I understand what their getting at because the bible talks about what Grace is being underserved and we can't work for it, it's freely given to us by God, but that still has nothing to do with identity. Grace is centered around God's love and favor over his people and how he operates in their lives. It's sad but pastors and preachers continually talk about this and not only pastors and preachers but the church continually preaches this without understanding what it is they are saying.

I hope you liked this blog and found it interesting to discuss between friends or family or even the Lord if I am wrong in any of the points in this article don't be afraid to contact me and give me your points on this subject. All I ask is that it's done with respect and love. If you are willing can you share this blog with friends or family it would be nice if this blog got out so I can get some readers?

  "And with that being said that is all and you have a blessed day."

